
Light Pink banner, with the Coimisiún na Meán logo on the far right corner. The banner leads with the text 'Táimid ag fostú.' followed by the English translation of the phrase, reading 'We're hiring' in a slightly greyer font. The outline of a speech bubble can be seen behind the heading text

Coimisiún na Meán, Ireland’s agency for developing and regulating a thriving, diverse, creative, safe and trusted media landscape, is currently recruiting for a variety of roles at all levels to help progress its work in online safety, media regulation and media sector development.

Staff are being sought in a range of areas including dealing with the overall media landscape, regulatory policy, platform supervision and investigations, user support in relation to broadcast or online content, and corporate support services.

The successful candidates will be joining Coimisiún na Meán at an exciting time as we grow and build our organisation. 

If you feel you have suitable skills and experience to help us deliver on our objectives and meet the challenges ahead, we’d love to hear from you!   

Details of the current career opportunities available and how to apply can be found below.  


Click on the role below to learn more.

Click on the role below to learn more.
