Coimisiún na Meán awards over €10 million of funding under latest round of Sound & Vision Scheme

Newly announced Round 53 allocation represents the largest single funding round in the history of the Sound & Vision Scheme

  • Over €10.1 million in funding allocated for Round 53, with 91 projects funded covering animation, drama, documentary, entertainment and educational programming for broadcast on TV and Radio
  • 95% of funding has been allocated to independent producers, with 30% of all funding going to projects in the Irish language or bilingual
  • Additional €2 million funding secured by the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media to support children and young people’s programming

Coimisiún na Meán has today (09.09.24) announced the awarding of over €10.1 million of funding under the latest round of the Sound & Vision Scheme. Round 53 will fund the production of 91 projects across TV and radio by independent producers and broadcasters around the country. 95% of total funding as part of Round 53 has been provided to independent producers and 30% of all funding going to projects in the Irish language or bilingual.

Rónán Ó Domhnaill, Media Development Commissioner at Coimisiún na Meán said ‘’The Sound & Vision Scheme has gone from strength to strength, continuing to fund programming for Irish audiences, with a focus on Irish culture, heritage and experience. We are delighted to announce that Round 53 is the largest single round in Sound & Vision history, with over €10.1 million allocated to 91 new projects across TV and radio including animation, drama, documentary, entertainment and educational programming. I would also like to thank Minister Catherine Martin for the allocation of an additional €2 million in funding for children and young people’s programming, which recognises the important role of children as creators and consumers in Ireland’s media landscape. Sound & Vision remains a vital funding source for broadcasters and independent producers, enabling them to create programming for audiences that would otherwise not get made.

‘’Funding from Round 53 will contribute to An Coimisiún’s ambition of developing a thriving media landscape for Ireland that reflects the diversity of our people and traditions. Of the 35 television productions funded, 80% feature women as producers and 54% have women as directors. We look forward to seeing and hearing the projects funded under this Sound & Vision round on our screens and on our airwaves.’’

Projects funded under Round 53 of the Sound & Vision Scheme include:

  • Election ’24 – This unique collaboration between the Houses of the Oireachtas and the Electoral Commission for broadcast on Oireachtas TV will invite the audience to peek behind the curtain of a General Election and will educate Irish viewers about our democratic process.
  • First Timers on The Front Line – This series, for broadcast on Virgin Media Television will follow a group of trainees at the National Ambulance Service training hubs across the country and join them as they battle to save lives while getting their qualifications.
  • John Hume san Eoraip/John Hume in Europe – This bilingual documentary for TG4, while exploring the last half century of Irish and European history, will tell the story of one of the most transformative political figures of the 20th century, whose work helped to create one of the most successful peace processes of modern times.
  • Mondays with Maddy – A production for RTÉ Junior, this series will explore a heartwarming bond between Maddy, an energetic six-year-old and her lively 80-year-old Grandad, who was dementia. Each episode follows the duo as they playfully get lost in the moment.
  • Yesterday’s Girl/Ar Ais Arís – This eight-part series for TG4 is a live action, Irish language Young Adult drama following a trio of teen friends, who accidentally bring back a young girl, Fiadh, from 11th century Ireland to the present.
  • Puffin Rock: Series 3 – The multi-award-winning animated series will return to RTÉ Junior welcoming viewers new and old back to the island.
  • Ours to Protect: Series 2 – The return of this radio documentary series, a collaboration between the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland 16 commercial radio stations, about climate change and climate action will produce over 2,800 hours of valuable programming for radio listeners across Ireland.
  • Don’t Ask Me to Remember – Through the use of music, song and social interaction this radio documentary series for Dublin City FM, will explore the experience of Alzheimer’s Disease. Medical experts, family, carers, sufferers and artists all combine to shine a light on this condition.
  • Finscéalt Chiarraí: Scéalta Miotasacha ón Ríocht – This radio documentary series for Radio Kerry will take listeners on a magical journey through the enchanting folklore of Kerry and will be narrated by the vibrant voices of local school children in the Irish language.
  • Dying to get Ripped – this documentary series from Newstalk will give a voice to young men with eating disorders.

Round 53 will support the production of 35 projects for television, totalling €9 million and 56 radio projects, totalling over €1.1 million. 175 applications requesting over €21 million were submitted for consideration under Round 53 of the Sound & Vision Scheme and just over €10.1 million of funding awarded.

Approximately 30% of the recommended funding (over €3 million) will support the production of Irish/Bilingual projects, and 95% of the funding (over €9.6 million) goes directly to the independent production sector.

Round 53 consists of funding from the television licence fee, and funding of €2 million secured by Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media, with 13 projects across television and radio being allocated funding for programming focused on children and young people.

Coimisiún na Meán launches applications for new Journalism Schemes

The Local Democracy and Court Reporting Schemes will support the creation of high quality accessible public journalism.
€6 million has been allocated for the Journalism Schemes in 2024

Coimisiún na Meán has today (17.07.2024) launched our new Journalism Schemes which will support both the media sector and high-quality journalism across Ireland. The Schemes aim to supplement and enhance coverage of local authorities and district and circuit court hearings and have been established following a recommendation from the Report of the Future of Media Commission.

Funding will also be made available for proposals for public interest journalism in long form. In this context, funding will be available to assist media service providers to undertake in-depth focus pieces or series on either a broad range of issues arising from coverage of local authorities/other democratic fora or arising from courts coverage or related matters.

€6 million has been allocated for the Journalism Schemes in 2024 thanks to funding secured by the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media, Catherine Martin TD. This funding covers the grants and the administration costs of the Scheme.

The new Journalism Schemes will be open to applications from journalists and media outlets, including broadcast, print and online platforms, in both the Irish and English languages. To be eligible, applicants will be required to demonstrate editorial expertise, capacity and track-record, and must also be a regulated entity, or affiliated with a regulated entity.

Commenting on the launch of the Journalism Schemes, Media Development Commissioner at Coimisiún na Meán, Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “We are delighted to be launching our Journalism Schemes for local democracy and court reporting today. This is the first opportunity for Coimisiún na Meán to offer direct support to promote high-quality and trusted journalism for local communities across Ireland on a platform-neutral basis. This is the first time print and online news providers can be supported this way.

“These new Schemes are being introduced on a pilot basis and will be reviewed subsequently, with feedback received and the stakeholder engagement contributing to the development of future funding initiatives and schemes. We would like to encourage all eligible applicants to apply for funding and we look forward to receiving feedback on the implementation of these new Schemes.”

Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD commented: “I warmly welcome the launch of the Local Democracy and Courts Reporting Schemes by Coimisiún na Meán today. A strong, diverse and free media sector, of which local and regional news are a vital component, is essential for democracy and for our society as a whole. The Schemes mark a new departure by the State to support public interest journalism at a time when traditional journalism is under pressure.

The €6m I secured in Budget 2024 for the new Schemes will help support quality, independent public interest journalism that provides an essential service to the public as well as the plurality, sustainability and integrity of our media.”

All content funded will be made freely available to the public, not less than 7 days after its initial publication, and will be uploaded by Coimisiún na Meán to its website.

The launch of the Schemes follows a public consultation in April this year, with many submissions highlighting the Schemes’ importance in sustaining a healthy democracy and informing and engaging citizens. The responses also generally expressed satisfaction with the approach proposed by An Coimisiún.

Coimisiún na Meán is now inviting applicants to apply for funding under the new pilot Journalism Schemes. The Guide for Applicants can be found here:
Local Democracy Reporting Scheme (English)
Local Democracy Reporting Scheme (Irish)
Courts Reporting Scheme (English)
Courts Reporting Scheme (Irish)

The closing date for completed applications for both Schemes is 12 noon, 17th September 2024. Application forms can be found here:
Local Democracy Reporting Scheme application form (English)
Local Democracy Reporting Scheme application form (Irish)
Ancillary Measure Local Democracy Reporting Scheme (English)
Ancillary Measure Local Democracy Reporting Scheme (Irish)
Courts Reporting Scheme application form (English)
Courts Reporting Scheme application form (Irish)
Ancillary Measure Courts Reporting Scheme (English)
Ancillary Measure Courts Reporting Scheme (Irish)

More information on the Schemes can be found on our website here.

Sound & Vision 4 – Upcoming Funding Rounds Announced 

Coimisiún na Meán has announced details of upcoming funding rounds under the Sound & Vision 4 Scheme.   

Round 53 – Sound & Vision ‘Open’ Round  

Round 53 opened on 9 April for broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language. This round closes at noon on Thursday, 30 May 2024. Funding decisions are envisaged to be available in August 2024. 

**NEW**Round 54 – Sound & Vision – Special Round to support the production of content focused on the voice of immigrant and new Irish Communities 

Round 54 will open on 27 June for broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language focused on the voice of immigrant and new Irish Communities. This round will close at noon on Thursday, 8 August 2024. Funding decisions are envisaged to be available in November 2024. This round has up to €2 million euros available and is financed by additional exchequer funding secured by Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin TD. 

Round 55 – Sound & Vision ‘Open’ Round 

Round 55 will open on 15 October for broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language. This round closes at noon on Thursday, 28 November 2024. Funding decisions are envisaged to be available by late February 2025. 

Relevant Guidelines and Application Forms for each round will be published on the Coimisiún na Meán website on the round opening date.  Webinars will also be held for prospective applicants.  All applications must be submitted via    

Sound & Vision 4 Opening Date Applicant Webinar Closing Date Decisions Expected 
Round 53 Tuesday 
9th April 2024 
Tuesday 16th April 2024 Thursday 
30th May 
12 noon 
Late August 2024 
Round 54 Thursday  27th June 2024 Tuesday 2nd July 2024 Thursday  8th August 12noon Late October 2024 
Round 55 Tuesday 
15th October 2024 
22nd October 2024 
28th November 
12 noon 
Late February 2025 

For any Sound & Vision specific enquiries please contact: 

Extended Deadline – Consultation on Draft Journalism Schemes

On the 4th April 2024, Coimisiún na Meán published a consultation document seeking views on two new journalism schemes.

Following requests from industry organisations, An Coimisiún has agreed to extend the deadline for responses to the consultation. The new closing date for the receipt of submissions is now 8th May at 5pm.

You can make your submission here:

Coimisiún na Meán awards €8.6m of funding for broadcasters and independent producers under Sound & Vision Scheme

A total of €70 million provided by Scheme in past 5 years

  • €7.9m will support the production of 65 high-quality TV and radio projects, including animation, drama, documentary, entertainment, and educational programmes, with 95% of funding for independent producers.
  • €706k will support community broadcasters in creating social benefit programming that facilitates better access to and representation of the diversity of local communities in Ireland.

Coimisiún na Meán has announced the allocation of €8.6m of funding for broadcasters and independent producers arising from two recent rounds of Sound & Vision 4, the Broadcasting Funding Scheme. The Scheme supports the production of high-quality Irish and English language programming, based on Irish culture, heritage, and experience for broadcast on national, local and community TV and radio services.

Media Development Commissioner, Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “Sound & Vision remains a vital funding source for broadcasters and independent producers from all over Ireland and brings the total amount of funding allocated by the Scheme to over €70 million since 2020. Sound & Vision funding boosts Ireland’s creative sector, bringing to life television, radio and film content in both the Irish and English languages. I would like to thank Minister Catherine Martin for her continued support of the Scheme and all those applicants who submitted proposals, and we look forward to seeing the programmes hit our screens and airwaves.

“This latest allocation of €8.6 million will enable independent producers and broadcasters to create engaging and thought-provoking content that resonates with audiences across Ireland. The programming produced will celebrate our cultural and linguistic heritage, amplify voices from marginalized communities, and explore underrepresented perspectives.”

Round 51

A total of 165 applications seeking over €18.8m in funding were submitted for consideration under Round 51 of the Sound & Vision 4 scheme, with just over €7.9m in funding awarded. This Round includes additional exchequer funding secured by Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media, Catherine Martin TD.

Round 51 will support the production of 65 TV and radio projects for audiences around the country, with €6.7m allocated to 27 TV projects, and over €1.1m for 38 radio productions. This Round focused on programming about gender equality, diversity, and inclusion of new Irish communities and voices.

Nearly 35% of the recommended funding (€2.7m) will support the production of Irish/bilingual projects, and 95% of the funding (€7.4m) goes directly to the independent production sector.

Some notable projects funded in Round 51 include:

  • An Irish Atlantic Rainforest: This two-part documentary production by Gambit Pictures for RTÉ One, will follow a year in the life of Ireland’s most pristine temperate rainforest which has been created by Eoghan Daltun, in the face of a global environmental crisis and biodiversity loss.
  • This is a Quiet Love/An Grá Ciúin: Produced by Curious North for TG4, this bilingual feature-length documentary will find four deaf couples sign the stories of how they met and fell in love. These cinematic love letters will weave a tapestry of deaf experience over a 70-year period.
  • Irish Music Month: A radio production for Hot Press, operated by the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland (IBI) which showcases and celebrates the best of new and upcoming musical talent, will be broadcast on 21 local commercial radio stations around Ireland.
  • Echo Eco: This series of hour-long programmes by Newstalk will explore climate change and environmental issues and will be hosted by renowned environmental scientist Dr Tara Shine.
  • Blúiríní Osnádúrtha: An Irish-language radio production for Raidió na Life which will see volunteers research and record Irish ghost stories from Dublin and beyond.
  • Alternatyva Alternayvai: A television production for Dublin Community Television which will follow an opera production while celebrating Lithuanian culture.
  • Video Nasty: Produced by Deadpan Pictures, this comedy-drama tells the story of three teenagers who go on an epic quest to complete a cult VHS collection and will be broadcast on Virgin Media Television. 
  • Adam Loves Adventure: This comedy-themed quest show for pre-schoolers is set in space and stars real-life hero Adam King, a problem-solving space explorer whose prime directive is to use his big heart and space smarts to help aliens with their everyday problems. Produced by Kavaleer for broadcast on RTÉjnr. 
  • Grá ar an Trá: Produced by Macalla Teoranta, entertainment series Grá ar an Trá returns for a second season on Virgin Media Television.
  • Am Abú: A new innovative Irish language programme produced by Wonder Pics for kids. The historical drama series for TG4 will look to encourage media literacy and be the first production to use an Unreal Engine Virtual Reality workflow.

Round 52

Round 52 of the Sound & Vision 4 Scheme was a tailored Social Benefit Round and was informed by the Community Media Policy and Social Benefit Framework launched in 2021.The funding under this non-competitive round was allocated to community broadcasters who adequately demonstrated how they would better facilitate access to and representation of their respective communities and help increase the range of community participation in the production and distribution of broadcast content. The funding round also had a particular focus on community broadcasters providing programming and quality training and development opportunities for station staff and volunteers.

The funding will support a range of activities across 19 stations, including the following activities:

  • Ros FM will build on training previously funded by Sound & Vision and offer QQI level 4 training to approximately 20 volunteers.
  • Athlone Community Radio will deliver QQI level 3 & 4 training to staff, volunteers, and community groups.
  • Community Radio Youghal will use funding to undertake increased engagement with their local community service, St Raphael’s, a local facility for adults with disabilities.
  • Funding forCommunity Radio Castlebar will be used to further develop their engagement with Spéire Nua, a group that works with ex-offenders and the Involve Youth Project which works with Traveller youth.
  • Funding will be used by Flirt FM to continue its successful ‘Community Takeover’ initiative, which has opened the airwaves to a range of community groups such as Foróige and Galway Autism Partnership by allowing them to produce and host their own programmes.

This is the fourth Social Benefit Round operated by the Scheme and brings the total amount of funding offered directly to Community broadcasters through the Social Benefit Rounds to €2.5m.

A list of successful applications is available here (Round 51) and here (Round 52).

Sound & Vision Broadcasting Funding Scheme Round 53 Open

Coimisiún na Meán has opened Round 53 of the Sound & Vision Broadcasting Funding Scheme today (09.04.2024). An Coimisiún welcomes funding applications from broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language. 

Round 53 will have an additional objective to encourage projects that support the production of content targeted at or co-created by children and young people.

Prospective applicants can access the relevant Guides and Forms for Round 53 via the links below.  All applications must be submitted via

Television Application Documentation

Radio Application Documentation

The Round will close at 12 noon sharp on 30 May 2024. An indicative budget of €7.4m is available under this Round.

An Coimisiún will run separate Radio and TV Zoom webinars for prospective applicants.

  • Please register here to attend the applicant webinar at 11am on the 16th of April 2024.

Two journalism schemes worth €5 million open for consultation

Local Democracy and Court Reporting Schemes will support both the media sector and high-quality journalism in all counties in Ireland

Coimisiún na Meán is seeking the public’s views on two new journalism schemes which aim to supplement and increase coverage of local authorities and district court hearings. The schemes are being established to ensure that all people have access to news in their own areas and that the news they receive is trustworthy and accurate.  

The Schemes are based on recommendations from the Report of the Future of Media Commission and are being established on an administrative basis thanks to funding secured by the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media, Catherine Martin TD.

The new journalism schemes will be open to applications from journalists and media outlets, including broadcast, print and online platforms, in both the Irish and English languages. Coimisiún na Meán will ensure that all content funded under the Schemes is available in both Irish and English on an online portal, where the content will also be archived. 

Commenting on the launch of the consultation on the proposed schemes, Media Development Commissioner at Coimisiún na Meán, Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “The €5 million available under these Schemes will ensure that local media can continue to perform its vital role in reporting on matters of public interest and improving access to trusted, quality information. They will support the creation of high-quality public interest journalism in both Irish and English, strengthening plurality, supporting the resilience of the news media sectors and enabling free and open debate on matters of public interest and importance as well as participation in democratic society by informed citizens. I would like to thank Minister Catherine Martin for her support for these Schemes.”

Coimisiún na Meán is now inviting views on the proposed approach to both Schemes as part of a public consultation process. Information on the consultation processes can be found here:

Coimisiún na Meán will finalise and launch the Schemes after the consultation.

Coimisiún na Meán allocates almost €800k in funding to support a range of media activities

50 projects supported under Sectoral Learning and Development Programme and Sponsorship Scheme

A creative media programme focusing on young people from under-represented, low income and ethnic minorities (Gorm Media’s Wideshot programme) and a talent development network addressing the lack of gender diversity in the Irish screen industry (X-Pollinator) are among the projects to be funded under Coimisiún na Meán’s Sectoral Learning and Development Programme and Sponsorship Scheme.

Both funding programmes support organisations, networks and representative groups to deliver a range of initiatives, training programmes, events and activities across the media sector. In all, almost €800k has been awarded to 50 projects this year.

Some €550k has been allocated under the Sectoral Learning and Development Programme to enhance media sustainability, creativity and diversity. Nineteen networks, representing commercial and community media; industry specific groups such as producers, animators, and journalists; advocacy organisations for gender, equality and inclusion, and promotion of the Irish language, have secured funding.

The Learning Waves Journalism Graduate Programme will continue to be supported under the Sectoral Learning and Development Programme in 2024. This programme sees 10 journalism graduates from across Ireland awarded an internship in a local commercial radio station. A focus of the 2024 programme will be news content for multiple platforms, scriptwriting for news, court reporting, and the promotion and creating of Irish language content.

Separately, more than €245k in funding has been awarded to 30 applicants under Coimisiún na Meán’s Sponsorship Scheme. This supports media-related events and activities that align with and raise awareness of the role and work of An Coimisiún. Sponsored events include festivals that increase the prominence of culturally relevant audiovisual content for Irish audiences, and award ceremonies highlighting the diverse talent and creativity across the media sector.  Sponsored events focusing on other aspects of Coimisiún na Meán’s remit include a media literacy workshop, the Mental Health Media Awards, and a Children & Young People’s Assembly on Online Bullying.

Commenting, Media Development Commissioner Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “Coimisiún na Meán is delighted to be in a position to invest more than three-quarters of a million euro in supporting Irish media through the Sectoral Learning and Development Programme and Sponsorship Scheme this year.

The funded projects align with our aim to develop a thriving, diverse and safe media landscape. These are hugely valuable projects that work to enrich our media sphere for viewers and listeners “

Commenting on its funding allocation, Learning Waves Project Manager Teresa Hanratty said: “We are thrilled to have secured funding again this year for our Journalism Graduate Programme. An Coimisiún’s funding and development programmes are of huge importance to the media sector and our award this year enables us to continue our internship programme, providing a pathway for new journalists to gain invaluable experience and also a pipeline of new talent for the independent radio sector. The impact of the programme was recognised by the Institute of Learning and Development at Learning and Development Awards in September 2023 when it was awarded Best Graduate Development Initiative. This award underlines the significant impact this programme has on graduates and stations across the Independent Radio Sector in Ireland.” The full list of successful funding recipients for 2024 under the Coimisiún na Meán Sectoral Learning and Development Programme and Sponsorship Scheme can be found here.